Minggu, 18 April 2010

Lifestyle - One of Causes of Obesity in Britain

Lifestyle - One of Causes of Obesity
in Britain

From the progress of social economy, technology, and the globalization of information has been changed lifestyle and model of thinking and attitude, which can see from food habitual and physical activity. With all of the progress most of people do their activity in outside home and more often to eat in the outside by eat the fast food that has high calories. On the other hand for doing another activity, because they had limited time, people more often use machine like lift or escalator to move the people to another floor. For going to short distance people choose to use vehicle than walking and because busy activities, they have no time to exercise. And it makes people not use their energy with optimally.
Food habit, selection of food, how to use the energy, and the way in solve the stress actually can influence the obesity. Actually between emotion and food apatite has connected to each other because when the emotion came in, the hormone that came out can result at the step on of body metabolism so it result the decrease of blood sugar levels and it makes hungry. That have to attention is habitual food in the family. The obesity generally came from family that has habitual food in big portion, in often frequency, always has food supply in the kitchen, and more often to consume snack outside eat time.
The indicated of obesity is piling of many fats under diaphragm and inside the chest wall will pressure the lungs, and it disturb breathing and hard for breath, even the object just doing easy activity. This disturbing of breathing may happened when the object sleep and make the breathing stop for a while (apnea sleeping), and the result in day the object often feels sleepy.
The obesity may happened many orthopedic problem, included the painful in lower back and make worst osteoarthritis (especially in hip, knee, and foot areas). And also sometimes found the differences of skin. People who get obesity have body surface that relative more tights than their body weight, the hot of body can’t throw as efficient and put outside more sweat. Also found edema (swelling causes of piling some water) in leg and foot areas.
Hospital admissions for obesity-related problems grew 30% to more than 5,000 in the same period. They are up seven-fold in a decade, the figures showed. And the number of prescriptions dispensed to treat obesity rose by 16% last year to 1.23 million.
"The report highlights the scale of the country's obesity problem and shows increasing NHS treatment using weight-loss surgery and medications," said Tim Straughan, the head of the NHS Information Centre.
In British Health Profile Report, who quote from Organization Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed that obesity in British increase until 24%. Based on the report of British Health Department about 13milions people will get overweight in 2010 if they not as soon as possible resolve it.
The NHS statistical report also found that in 2007 one in four adults were classed as obese in England with children more susceptible than ten years ago. In 2007, 17% of boys and 16% of girls aged 2-15 were classed as obese, increasing from 11% and 12% in 1995, the NHS figures showed. On a positive note the report found that since 1997 more people were exercising to fight the body weight, and since 2001 more adults and children eat more fruit and vegetables.
According to hospital report for obesity related problems grew 30% until more than 5,000 in the same year. They are increase seven fold in ten years, the figures showed. And the number of prescriptions dispensed to treat obesity rose by 16% last year to 1.23 million.
"The report highlights the scale of the country's obesity problem and shows increasing NHS treatment using weight-loss surgery and medications," said Tim Straughan, the head of the NHS Information Centre.
Ex British Prime Minister Tony Blair by BBC said that everybody must responsible on their healthy. “We can’t make healthy tool with high technology to resolve that problem. Because healthy not only to treat when sick, but save when health. Everybody has responsible with what they do” said Blair.
If there is no change in British lifestyle, in 2010 a third man in British will be suffered of obesity. The increasing of obesity is happened with the girl about 22% and for the boy increase about 19%. However obesity has accomplished National Health Service (NHS) budget now.
Dr. Ian Campbell, health specialist, guesses the money that spent to solve obesity in NHS until a billion pounds. Actually, obesity has related with diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and a range of other often life-threatening conditions which need long medicine.
And The British Fertility Organization suggestion for the medicine tube pregnant with NHS budget has not given to woman that has obesity. It causes because the successes level in woman that has obesity is low, at once to invite the woman to care with her body weight.
Obesity map has been spent by the government. The big risk in Easington, North England more about 22% and the lowest in the centre of London, there are in Chelsea and Kensington, residence of celebrities, foreign millionaire, and football players. And in Easington is ex fare place, which generally is low pay.

The obesities in British argue that has related between lifestyle and obesity, and in big city people inclining with health lifestyle like by consume fruits and vegetables, or routine in bike. So not just watching TV with big glasses of coke or a tin of beer by eaten a big plate of potatoes fried.
Below, there are some foods that contain a lot of fat and can make people get in obesity:

• Pure potato
Moreover the processed use cream and margarine. A half cup of it is consist 200 calories.
• Candy
Besides consist of bas fat, the sugar level is very high. Likewise with the other food like donut, cake, and roll pasty.
• Ice cream
Even it very arouse interest, ice cream still consist high fat, sugar and calorie.
• Crispy chips of potato
It’s one of food that very opportunity makes people in fat, because it consist very high salt. Not only that, the fat and salt is high too, so the total of calorie is very high. Besides that, crispy chips of potato consist of preservative, taste, and sweets maker that clearly can loss the health.
• Instant meat
Even it very practically, hot dog, sausage, and the other instant meat, has bad fat. The level is very high, as much as the salt level that contain.
• Crispy snack
It is kind of food that bad enough for health because as generally it made by fried which frying oil that never change every frying. The fat is also very high and less guaranty of cleanness if it sells in the street.
• Fast food
Such as hamburger, nachos, and potato fried. It consist very high fat and also the calorie. Meanwhile, there is nothing the nutrition that health to body.
• Coke
Even it refresh at the time, it nothing has nutrition value. Except, it contain a lot of sugar, sodium and calorie.
• Sweet cereal
Cereal that consist many carbohydrate, more become a threat if meet with sweet from sugar. It can increase sugar blood and makes body pile of fat.
• Whole milk
Even it contain good calcium for body, this kind of milk has high fat that make pile of body fat. So, if you want to take benefit from the calcium, try to change the milk that free of fat or low fat.
• The gravy of meat
It consist of high fat and carbohydrate or the calorie that as much as high.
• The bread
Especially that made by flour that has experience of fineness, as the result it contain of high fat and carbohydrate. As the save way, try to consume bread wheat and get the benefit from the fiber.
• Any kind of cream
Whipped cream that usually used to decorate in strawberry juice and dressing salad, all of it contain of high fat, and become high calorie if it mixed with your healthy food. It will be better if you not to mixed the food with any kind of cream or topping while you are consuming healthy food.
• The mayonnaise
It contains a lot of fat inside. So, it better use a little if you want it.
• The instance of coffee
Do you know that a cup of coffee instance consist more than 39 fats? If you don’t want your body became a pile of fat, try to count clearly how much the calorie that come to your body from instance coffee.
Genetic factor in obesity can’t be avoiding. But we can change our lifestyle to better way and more health so that we can avoid from obesity, such as:
• Never missed breakfast
Don’t miss your breakfast because breakfast is very useful to gets the energy. The energy that gets from food will useful for body after the stomach in empty situation all the night. If it not completed, body will feel very hungry then our lunch portion will increase from the number that we need.
• Consuming healthy food
The healthy food is like fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fibrous. The fibrous will help to less the reserve fat and also to decrease illness risk of heart attack.
• Regularly exercise
By doing exercise can help to speed up the burning fat process insides our body.

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